Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week 3

i had posted a Google doc in a Facebook message and only got one person to respond to it.  since only one person had answered i am now going to print out hard copies and hand them to people in person, that way they have to answer it and hand it back to me.  once i get solid answers from some people i will see if i need to revise any of my questions and re-submit the survey to a set number of people again.  i might also need to expand who i am asking to participate in the survey to get a wider variety of people to get better and more diverse results for it.

Friday, April 12, 2013

week 2: plan for research

for my survey i am going to be questioning teenage girls ages 16-18 who are in their final years of high school in an all girls private high school.  they will come from all types of backgrounds and i will survey about fifteen different girls.  for my survey i will hand out hard copies of the survey to everyone for them to fill out.  my overall prediction for this survey is that most girls will not know what feminism truly is, and what it is about in this time period, or they will have misinformation.  even though i believe this i also believe that there will be a strong support for feminism because we are in an all girls school that encourages us to be strong independent women.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

suggested research method

my suggested research method that i chose is a survey.  i plan to survey how young women my age feel about feminism and how much they really are in touch with feminism in their society.  i will give this survey out to my friends and see the results from them.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


this article from the Courtauldian outraged me. the entire article was written about how being misogynistic is a good thing and how that it is one of the unknown virtues.  if you do not know misogyny is the hatred, dislike or mistrust of women.  i find that this article was not only poorly written but also had no basis in today's society and while i support the right to freedom of speech i do not think that this article should have been allowed to published in a school newspaper where more than half the population is female. what actually shocked me more than the article was the comments. more then ninety percent of them were also outraged about how this man has no respect for women and thinks that out rights do not matter because of our gender.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Taylor Swift

While i do enjoy the occasional Taylor Swift song and i commend her on her musical success i also believe that she is a feminist nightmare which is what this article from autostraddle is all about.  Taylor's music is mostly about heartbreak and falling in love, and there is no problem with that, the problem is that in a lot of her music she blames the "slutty" girl for her problems. The entire idea of feminism is not only about equal rights but also about how it should be okay for females to expression their sexuality and not have repercussions from it.  Taylor's music though, dictates that if you are "slutty" then you will ultimately lose to the girl who is "secretly perfect", or in a sense is just your typical girl next door, a character that Taylor portrays in a lot of her music.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Pens for Her

I was fooling around on YouTube when i came across this video.  I love Ellen and think she is hilarious, but she brought up a really good point, why do women need their own specific pen? Are we that different from men that we need a pink or purple pen to feel comfortable writing.  The way Ellen portrays the pen is funny but also true, she may have exaggerated in some parts but her main point was that the stereotypes about women are still here, to the point where we need pens made specifically for women.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Women Professors

In this article from The Guardian it shows how becoming a women professor can have its pros and cons.  Sally Tomlinson tells the story of her success as a professor as well as the hardships she faced from some of her male counterparts  and her females of her family. Sally really gave hope in this article for women who are part of the working class, she states how to succeed in life and how as a women you can do anything you want.  Sally Tomlinson shows that in the face of adversity if you stick to what you know and you always fight back you will succeed. Feminist from around the world can relate to Sally because of her actions in life and her will to succeed in field originally dominated by men, and not only did she succeed but she managed to start a family and support herself, without the help of her husband.  She succeeded through hard work and ambition and feminist can appreciate that.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

i chose to do feminism because i feel that it is a big topic in today's world.  i feel, especially since we are in an all girls school, feminism directly affects us and those around us.  i have seen everything from extreme support for feminism to extreme hatred for it so i decided i would research it for the semester.