Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week 3

i had posted a Google doc in a Facebook message and only got one person to respond to it.  since only one person had answered i am now going to print out hard copies and hand them to people in person, that way they have to answer it and hand it back to me.  once i get solid answers from some people i will see if i need to revise any of my questions and re-submit the survey to a set number of people again.  i might also need to expand who i am asking to participate in the survey to get a wider variety of people to get better and more diverse results for it.

Friday, April 12, 2013

week 2: plan for research

for my survey i am going to be questioning teenage girls ages 16-18 who are in their final years of high school in an all girls private high school.  they will come from all types of backgrounds and i will survey about fifteen different girls.  for my survey i will hand out hard copies of the survey to everyone for them to fill out.  my overall prediction for this survey is that most girls will not know what feminism truly is, and what it is about in this time period, or they will have misinformation.  even though i believe this i also believe that there will be a strong support for feminism because we are in an all girls school that encourages us to be strong independent women.